Spooky Skeletal Dice Tower


A Journey to Haunted Terror

Unearth macabre magic with the Spooky Skeletal Dice Tower and Spooky Skeletal Arms. This 3D-printable STL file set is not just a dice tower; it's a spine-chilling decor for Halloween. Your dice enter through the skull, tumble down the spine, and finally roll to a stop in the hipbones base, guarded by two skeletal arms. It's as if the very bones of the underworld have conspired to guide your dice to their fate.

Perfect for Wargames, D&D, Pathfinder, and a myriad of other horror-themed TTRPGs.

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A Journey to Haunted Terror

Unearth macabre magic with the Spooky Skeletal Dice Tower and Spooky Skeletal Arms. This 3D-printable STL file set is not just a dice tower; it's a spine-chilling decor for Halloween. Your dice enter through the skull, tumble down the spine, and finally roll to a stop in the hipbones base, guarded by two skeletal arms. It's as if the very bones of the underworld have conspired to guide your dice to their fate.

Perfect for Wargames, D&D, Pathfinder, and a myriad of other horror-themed TTRPGs.

A Journey to Haunted Terror

Unearth macabre magic with the Spooky Skeletal Dice Tower and Spooky Skeletal Arms. This 3D-printable STL file set is not just a dice tower; it's a spine-chilling decor for Halloween. Your dice enter through the skull, tumble down the spine, and finally roll to a stop in the hipbones base, guarded by two skeletal arms. It's as if the very bones of the underworld have conspired to guide your dice to their fate.

Perfect for Wargames, D&D, Pathfinder, and a myriad of other horror-themed TTRPGs.

3D Printing Information


  • Skull Top Tower part STL file

  • Spine Base Tower part STL file

  • Right Skeletal Arm STL file

  • Left Skeletal Arm STL file

    Dice not included.

Technology: The files are optimized for FDM PLA Printing. You might need to add your own supports in your slicer, but just behind the teeth, under the palate part of the skull.

Time to print (Total 4 pieces): Min 50h, Max 70h.
(Approx. 50h for a print speed of 60mm/sec, infill 10%, 0.2mm layer height, time may vary depending on 3D printer)

Dimensions (Dice Tower assembled): 189,25mm x 214,61mm x 312,42mm
Dimensions (Left Arm, Inverse x and y for the Right Arm): 110,97mm x 140,47mm x 230,00mm

Material quantity (Total 4 pieces): Approx. 650g PLA

The printing tests were carried out on a a Bambu Lab X1-Carbon 3D printer.

Usage Policy

These files are for non-commercial, personal use only.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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